Product Videos
Show how a product offers a solution for your customers
A well made and fully branded product video removes any doubt a customer may have about what you’re selling. So they can confidently move forward with a purchase.
We include the right amount of technical detail whilst keeping the video engaging for your target customer.
Context is everything. So we aim to show how the product solves a problem for your customer. And how its functionality and quality benefits them or their organisation.
Product Videos for Jo Bird
One of a series of product videos for Jo Bird & Co, a Somerset and Dubai-based company who lead the world in safety cabinet manufacturing.
Early on in our discussions with Nick Atkins (Jo Bird’s marketing manager) we resolved that it was unlikely we could film on a real wind turbine, so a much safer and less windy film studio was agreed on.
For the JB29 we had to emphasise the resilience and durability of the product on top of turbines, and its compliance with high safety and manufacturing standards.
From marine lake to studio…
For Jo Bird’s SOS603 Rescue Line Cabinet promo we had to incorporate a coastal safety segment.
A rescue line is retrieved from the cabinet, thrown to a Royal National Lifeboat Institute member and pulled to safety by a courageous jogger.
The Oncilla Wet Blasting Unit by Vapormatt
One of dozens of product videos we’ve produced for Vapormatt – based in Bridgwater, Somerset. In this case a technical product video for the Oncilla unit, an advanced industrial wet blasting machine built bespoke for their client Clickbond.
The priority for Miles, Vapormatt’s marketing manager, was to establish a consistent style and branding for the video as well as to highlight the machine’s selling points like the robotic arm, camera sensor and HMI.
The videos are frequently shown in sales meetings to clinch sales of units of up to 2 million GPB.